Jul 1, 2023Liked by Kendra Kruckenberg

Great photos! I love this take on summer so much more than the scarcity mindset of “only 18” summers. My hopes for the summer--hours and hours at the pool, lots of good books, and surprising my kids with something fun but simple like ice cream for dinner every now and then!

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I am a BIG fan of ice cream for dinner!!

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Yes! More of this!!

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I really resonate with the “this is the summer...” approach and plan to embrace it as well 😎 Thank you for sharing your heart with vulnerability and honesty, Kendra ❤️

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Thank you for reading!! ❤️

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Jul 1, 2023Liked by Kendra Kruckenberg

This photos are amazing!! My hope for the summer is TO WANDER!

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Love that!!

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I loved reading this piece on coffee and crumbs!! And i can completely relate, the summer mom struggle is so real - love you how you addressed the IG reels panic inducuing reminders for parents- rude is right!! my oldest is 8 now going into 3rd grade and my youngest just finished prek and will start kinder- cue all the mom feels and mom guilt! needed this reminder. Hope for the summer is peace amidst the chaos and moments of joy and delight seized and savored throughout our weekends/weekends. I'm working so life is kind of wild right now and summer parenting is a wild all it's own!

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Youngest starting kinder!!! SO many mom-feels! I love your hope for peace amidst the chaos ❤️. Thank you for reading!

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Jun 30, 2023Liked by Kendra Kruckenberg

A wise approach to life, don't let what others think or say dictate your feelings

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